Building for the Future
Building for the Future

From the Minister

Advent is the start of the new year in the church, an opportunity to reflect and prepare. January 1st is seen as an ideal time for resolutions and new beginnings. I must admit that if I make a resolution on Jan 1st I’ve usually broken it by Jan 3rd - Oh alright Jan 2nd if not the previous evening especially if it involves diet and exercise. The church and myself are facing a number of new beginnings together, including a new ministry and the formation of a new mission partnership. When we consider the future it can seem quite daunting. At this time of year we are reminded of a young woman who’s world was to change forever when God asked Mary to be at the centre of the greatest miracle of all and be mother to our Lord Jesus Christ. Although the Bible tells us some of her conversation with the Angel Gabriel we can only imagine the thoughts and fears she must have felt and like any parent continued to feel for her son. She would have known the stories of the prophets and the foretelling of the coming of the Messiah but would never in a million years thought that she would be the mother of God incarnate. Through it all she put her faith and trust in God and accepted what God was asking of her. As she responded: “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it me with me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) Two thousand years later, through the Holy Spirit, we can still lay claim to the wonderful gift of God in Jesus Christ. We don’t have to wait for Advent or New Year to start afresh. No matter what the coming year holds if we root ourselves in Christ we can face what ever God asks of us and everyday will be an opportunity to start anew. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians: ‘If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation. The old has passed away behold the new has come.’ (2Corinthians 5:17) This Christmas I pray that your celebrations will be full of joy and that God may grant you his peace of heart which passes all human understanding. God Bless you all.



Induction Service

It was a lovely afternoon and a joyful service on Saturday 23rd November when our new minister Revd Karen Knight had her induction service led by the Eastern Synod Moderator, Revd Lythan Nevard at Ongar URC. There were members present from all the churches involved, the ecumenical partnership, churches together and visitors from Karen’s previous pastorate. We also thanked Revd Kathryn Taylor for her time as our Interim moderator. We also formally marked the creation the new ecumenical partnership (the successor to HAEBEA) and a new grouping of the URC churches (the Herts & Essex Border Mission Partnership), which we were all having trouble remembering the names of! Following the service, we enjoyed fellowship and a fantastic spread of cake! It was also lovely to meet Karen’s friendly labrador who we’ll sure well get to know! We all look forward to Karen’s ministry with us

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